Friday, November 14, 2008


Woh!! Been a week since I'm back from Taiwan, still feeling very tired everyday. I could go to sleep at 9pm or 9.30pm and wake at 8.30am still feeling very tired. Not sure if the body is trying to catch up with the lack of rest when I'm in Taiwan, or juz that I had too much sleep.
Will try to post some photos and thoughts on the Taiwan trip later on.
Thought of the day, Taiwanese are really into politics and it's not juz about their country they had quite a view on ours' too (our tour guide and some Ah Pek we meet when we are in 淡水). Their views are.. may I put it as not as mainstream here.
My sis send me an E-mail she had received titled " The HDB Flat Pricing Scam" (if you are interested in the mail, I'm willing to send it to anyone). Makes me wonder if I'm really paying a higher cost for my humble 3 room flat. But I've really have to thank God for the house as it's really is a blessing from Him (read my previous blog about this God blessed house). That brings me to a blog by Mr. Brown titled "Primary School textbook: Singapore gahmen houses everyone" which states that a certain primary school textbook tells us that we are not homeless as our government provide affordable housing for us.

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