Monday, November 17, 2008

R u Ananias and Barnabas

Who are Ananias and Barnabas? Their names first appeared in the Book of Acts in the New Testament, they are the one that overcome their scruples and hesitations, and that the initiative to befriended the used to be Saul the persecutor. Ananias introduced Saul to the fellowship in Damascus, and Barnabas did the same thing for him later in Jerusalem. If it were not for them Saul might not be able to fit into the Christian community and enjoyed the Christian fellowship, the whole course of church history might then be different.
Therefore let's stretch out our hands and be the Ananiases and Barnabases to the newcomers in our church, embrace them in our fellowship and make them feel at home. Isn't that what the Christian community is about? To share and love together in Christ our Lord.

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