Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Daily QT

The Case For Faith By Lee Strobel
"Objection #5 It's offensive to claim Jesus is the only way to God"

She's no angel

The baby that's sleeping here is no angel, Paul said " for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Roman 3:23 and the "for all" includes everyone even this innocent and cute child.

As Christian Parent, we believed that all the things that we had are a blessing from God and are His Grace to us. So it's natural that we would say grace before we had our meal and thank Him for the things we have. For a long time, we had taken for granted for her saying grace during her meal time. Yesterday night, during her time for milk, she just refused to say it and even threw a big temper. Took us 1 hour of trying and one beating (explanation: I didn't beat her due to not saying grace but for throwing her temper and screaming). We kept our stand till the end (at times I must say I really wanna give in to her, but when I do that I know all would be lost). When she's ready for bed after her milk she just refused to say goodnight to me, kissed me and hugged me (I think it's her way of revenge). But I let it go without letting it affect me.... much.

This morning the same thing happened again. She asked for her daily morning milk (Which I insisted that we only give when she asked for it), and once again refused to say her grace. It's another session of tug of war (She really chosed a good time for doing that cos both times we might give in to her as we are either tired and wanted to go to bed or in a rush to go to work). We stick to our principal and in the end before I leave for work she finally agreed to say grace. When I leave for work she punished me again by not saying good bye, kissing and hugging me (which she usually does).

Lesson learnt
Have learnt quite alot from this incident about how God had been to us.
We are like Leah, constantly trying to be defiant as we wanna do the things that we want and like. But at times those things that we want/like to do is dangerous and harmful to us if it's not for His grace and mercy we would have crease to exist.

1) The bible is right by saying that we are all sinners, we do not want to acknowledge him in anyway and chose to go the other way(it even happened to a mere 20Mth old child).
2) How could god be God if he is not gracious, merciful and righteous to His creation. Cos he didn't strike us down immediately when we opposed Him. Instead he gave us chance again and again to repent and come to Him. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sedition Trial

Christian Couple got 8 weeks' jail term each
on todayonline.
on The Straitstimes

Pray that God would comfort them.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Got Shitted on

Time: Last night (9th June 2009, around 8pm)

Venue: My Mom’s place

Alibi: Whole Family (Mom, Dad, Wife, Sister, Brother-in-law, Nephew and Helper)

Evident: Sorry not able to produce as it happened too fast

My dear Daughter, why didn’t you tell daddy that you need to go? We kept asking you if you need to go shi shi (ok we forgot to ask you abt poo pooh). Being an encouraging parent, we tried not to scold you when you let go on the spot. Instead we constantly assured you that it’s ok and we’ll try harder next time.

On the above time and venue not only did you shi shi on the floor, you also poo poo after that. It all started with your usual action, squatting on the floor and staying very quite and still for a moment. What came next was a pool of yellowish liquid. I washed you, encouraged you and assured you that it’s ok. After a while your same old action came back again, instantly my hand went and feel your short, it’s not wet but there’s a familiar smell. Next thing I knew a big piece of poo poo was on the floor and on my leg…..

My dear daughter, do you plead guilty to the above charges..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daily QT

The Case For Faith By Lee Strobel
"Objection #1 Since evil and suffering exist, a loving God cannot"

What thermal image camera at airport detected


Friday, June 5, 2009

Jailed for sharing the Gospel

Christian beware they are sending us to jail for sharing the gospel to others. In the context of "insensitivity and having the capacity to inflame religious sentiments in Singapore”. Sound like what we had read in the N.T. Is this the end of the world?
Article from TODAYonline.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Phantom RSS Feeds

Received a phantom RSS Feeds today from TODAYonline,
Today date is 04th June 2009 but the Feeds put "Three weeks Away, Fri 6/26/2009 8:00AM"
Am I getting some kinda of signal from somewhere (the detail not alot to interpret anyway, I don't Chope seat when I eat what)?

But real scary sah....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Croc in the river

Saw this croc in the river while I'm running back today along Clementi Rd. The croc was swimming slowing to the other end of the river..
I'm using my hand phone to take the photos the resolution is not very clear and its kinda bright but the croc is there in the pic (trust me)

Next Singapore Idol

We have the next Singapore idol..... Leah Poh...

50th Anniversary

My Church is going to celebrate it’s 50th anniversary this August, one of the highlight is a booklet on the Church history and some write out by members of the Church.

I’ve only been in this Church for seven years, and I’m being approached to do a write out as well (in Chinese).

This is what I had written;

在恩典浸信教会我的女朋友现已是我的太太。在这里我们有了我们的第一个小孩,很快的老二也要出世了。我从一个还不懂事的男孩变成了一个男人,神把照顾一个家和家人的责任交托给我, 这个重担可不轻。

这里不单是一个可以敬拜和服事的地方,也成为了我的另一个家。 这里的弟兄姐妹爱我有如我的家人一样,他们随时都愿意聆听我的困难,他们所给予的关怀,鼓励和提醒让我能成为一个更好的丈夫和父亲。



若是你们以事奉耶和华为不好,今日就可以选择所要事奉的:是你们列祖在大河那边所事奉的神呢?是你们所住这地的亚摩利人的神呢?至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华。 耶书亚记24:15

Thanks to Fiana and pf for their help.