Thursday, August 28, 2008

There is non like you

There is none like You
No one else can touch my heart like You do
I could search for all eternity long
And find there is none like You

Your mercy flows like a river wide
And healing comes from Your hands
Suffering children are safe in Your arms
There is none like You

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ladybird or Ladybug?

Today after lunch one of my colleague change her attire (red cardigan and white top) told her she look like Ladybug. But she say it's called Ladybird.
It's a bug what so should call Ladybug lar. What you think?

Google my name and actually found myself inside Google, very proud. hahah.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I sting my daughter today.

How should a parent discipline their child when they do wrong things? Every time I see a spoil kid outside I'll say to myself that whenever my kid behave like that they will sure get a good spanking from me.I always thought that it will be a breeze disciplining even spanking my child (Leah) when she does something wrong.
Today I got a wake up call from God. After Leah had finish her fruits (Grapes and durian) I went over and tried to clean her mouth with a hanky. Usually when we put our finger into her mouth she'll give us a "gentle" bite, but today she bit me with all her might. I was so angry and told her that she shouldn't do that and put my finger in again to clean her. Yet she gave me another hard bite. So I gave her a sting on her cheek, she cried real hard and after the real cries was over she started yelling at the top of her voices telling us that she's not happy with her punishment. Therefore I gave her another sting on the cheek and told her to stop it. After a couple of stings she finally got the idea that her "heartless" daddy really mean business and is not joking with her. Finally she stops yelling, but occasional sobbing still continues.
In my heart, I really felt heart pain and wanted to stop and give her a great big hug telling her that daddy is sorry for hurting you. But didn't and kept my stand. Did i do the right thing? Questions like that keep popping up in my head, she's only 10 months how much does she knows?
Our heavenly Father above loves us too but when we are disobedience he will also punish us with love. It's going to be a long battle to teach and guide my child, but if I really love her so much discipline must be there for her to grow up right.
Of course after that I went over, carry her, hug her and gave her lots of kissing on her cheek and also tells her that daddy love her very much lar.

But Peter said, "I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" Acts 3:6

Leah my precious daughter, daddy have neither silver and gold to give you, but I do have the gift of love and salvation from God and that I'll share it to you and pray that you will accept it too.
Thomas Walker comments, 'the power was Christ's, but the hand was Peter's'. We people of God need to believe in it and show it by actions.

QT material from The Message of Acts by John Stott (The Bible Speaks Today)

Monday, August 25, 2008

The church's Life: The effect of Pentecost (can my church be like this?)

The behavior of God's people filled with the Holy Spirit.
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:47
Praising God and enjoying the favour of all people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47

The first behavior - It was a learning church. (Vs42a They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching...)
Although all were filled with the Holy Spirit they still regards the apostles in submission and yearn for their teaching. The Holy Spirit leads the people of God to submit to the word of God.
A Spirit-filled church is an apostolic church, anxious to believe and obey what Jesus and his apostles taught.

The second behavior - It was a loving church. (vs42b ...and to the fellowship,...)
Just as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have fellowship with each other, the people of God are also called to have fellowship together. Supporting each other and relieving the needs of the poor. A Spirit-filled church is a loving, caring, sharing church.

The third behavior - It was a worshiping church. (vs42c ..., to the breaking of bread and prayer.)
The people of God worshiped him in the temple and in home, in the Lord's supper and in prayers, with joy and with reverence. A Spirit-filled church is a worshiping church.

The fourth behavior - It was an evangelistic church. (vs47b .... And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.)
The lord did it through the preaching of the apostles, the witness of church members, the impressive love of their common life, and their example as they praise God and enjoying the favour of all people. No self-centered, self-contained church (absorbed in its own parochial affairs) can claim to be filled with the Spirit. A Spirit-filled church is a missionary church.

Do we behave like the Christian and church when they were filled with the Holy Spirit during the Pentecost? When we claim that we are Christian that are filled with the Holy Spirit, how are we living our life publicly and privately? All of us individual has a part to play to make the church a place where others are able to see that it's a Spirit filled place, not some social club of us to go to at our free times and to relieve our bad feelings when we do wrong things. Our responsibility is to humble ourselves before his sovereign authority, to determine not to quench him, but to allow him his freedom. For then our church will again manifest those marks of the Spirit's presence, which many young people are specially looking for.

QT materials from The Message of Acts by John Stott (The Bible Speaks Today)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Where is Joy?

Joy is not there when we comes back at the end for the month with thousand of dollars and have no one to spend it on.
Joy is there when we knows that the salary we have is able to support our family.
Joy is there when we comes back to our humble home and sees the face of our love ones.
Joy is there when we knows that we have someone that loves us unconditionally.
Joy is there when we accept that person into our lives.
Joy is there when we know that we have hope.

Today I've experience both joy and hope in a cab ride back home from YFC. We were invited to attend a seminar in YFC today. After that Tes, Leah and I went back home by a cab, Fiana is meeting PF and will come back later. During the cab ride, the taxi uncle (I think an Indian) told me his story. He told me that his mother-in-law (she was handicap and bedridden due to and accident many years ago) had an heart attack this morning and was send to the hospital, his father-in-law is a drunkard (due to business set back, and also he's the one that causes his wife to be handicap) don't even know how to dial 995 or 1777 to send his wife to the hospital in the morning. They used to be rich but due to the car accident that cause his mother-in-law to be handicap, they end up selling all their property so as to pay back the damages and compensation to others.
This uncle used to be a boss of a transport company but due to business failure he now drives a taxi at night, and he is only making ends meet. He had 3 children all below the age of 12 years old had to support his own family as well as caring for his in-laws. When he was saying all these he didn't sound a bit hopeless. He was full of hope and joy and even mentions that tomorrow he will send his kids to their weekly tuition and have their weekly Hainanise Chicken Rice as a family during lunch. After that they will visit their granny in the hospital. All these to be done tomorrow, after he had his 6 hours of sleep at 2am later.
When I got to my stop, I told him that I'm a Christian and ask if I could pray for him, he agreed and I said a simple prayer. Uncle I don't know if I will ever meet you again, but I would like to say thanks for showing me that we should have hope and joy even thou life is not a bed of roses, where everything just follow smoothly in place in front of us.
Jesus didn't promise his disciples frame or fortunes when he ask them to follow him, yet he told them that they should bear their own cross daily. But he did promise that we would have abundance life when we forsake our own life for his sake.
Hope the story from this taxi uncle encourages those who has lost hope and can't find where is joy.

Leah having dragon fruit.

Yesterday night we tried to give Leah a new fruit(dragon fruit) to eat. As expected, she enjoys it and wants more than what was given. The fruit was red in colour not those white one, so when she finishes her portion the lip look that it has been painted with a red lipstick. So cute..

Do I look pretty Mommy and Daddy?

It's really an enjoyment to watch your kid finish the food that was given. Hopefully when she grow older we wouldn't be running around the house inorder to get a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Leah (how I love her)

Woh today quite on, 2 posting in a single day. Haha
Today our family have family prayer (with my helper (Tes), my Wife (Fiana) and me ya there's also precious Leah), so came back to my home and had dinner instead of having it at my mom's place. And guys/gals you are right Leah is so cute.. today when i came back home Fiana ask her where is daddy? Point to daddy. And she did it in the most adorable way you got imagine. Today Leah wake up early today at about 5.30am but thank God she wasn't too crunky throughout the day.

Leah Playing by herself

During our family prayer we gave thanks that Leah is OK after her fall yesterday, my cousin is coming for the 31st event (after she finishes her AHM). We also prayed for Tes family in Philippines as there are rebels there in her hometown.

"Give thanks with a faithful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy one.
Give thanks because He's given
Jesus Christ, His Son."

An update on my Granduncle, today my mom going to the hospital again to look at the result of the tumor. I'm not sure what's the result yet.

The Three Phenomena that happens at Pentecost

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.5Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. 7Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? 8Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language? 9Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11(both Jews and converts to Judaism Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!" 12Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?"13Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine." Acts 2:1-13

I would like to emphases on the three phenomena that happens.

Wind, Fire and Speech seems like natural phenomena, yet were supernatural both in origin and in character. Noise was not wind, but sound like it. The sight was not fire but resembled it. The speech was in languages which were not ordinary but in some way 'other'.

The sound like wind may have symbolized power (such as Jesus had promised them for witness, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8), the sight like fire purity (like the live coal which cleansed Isaiah, 6:6-7) and the speech in other language the universality of the Christian church.

The first and second phenomenas shows me that when we have accepted Christ as our personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit will come and live in our heart and we would have the power/courage to bear witness to our Lord and Saviour. Our life will change to a new one that is pure and is able to bring glory to God. The third one is usually the one that bring some confusion to others. The language spoken by the disciple is clearly understood by others and what they say are regarding the mighty works of God. Nothing is being mentions here about some languages that no people can understand.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Granduncle and Leah

When I got home today, I received a shocking news from my mom. My granduncle (my maternal grandmother's younger brother) is in the hospital. My mom told me that part of his intestine has burst due to some tumor got stuck in his intestine. He was admitted to the hospital in the morning due to stomach pain and had an operation quickly. The doctor is going to test the tumor to see if it's cancerous, but from his experience he said that it is most likely cancerous.

Please continue to pray for him, he is still single at the age of 70 plus. Pray that Fiana and I are able to minister to our family and my relatives when we go visitation. Thank God that I'm able to pray for him beside his side with some relative around me. He is currently very weak and unable to talk. A lot of machines are helping him to breath and to pass out motion. He is also very tired after the operation. His mind is still quite sharp and he is able to recognize us. Will keep you guys updated.

Life is so unpredictable, I told my mom that when we grow older our physical body will start to go bad (expiry date reaching soon) so if we encounter pains or discomfort we ought to go and see a doctor. Good chance for gospel sharing.

Something lighter for today. Been thinking that some of you might be interested on a day of a father. How will Min Min (Leah) behave during the weekends and how did this father take care of her. Will try to keep you guys/gals who are interested up to date.
Today my precious Leah woke up very early in the morning (6.30am I think, might be even earlier) Fiana went out of our room and go to greet her, after that follow by a bottle of her favorite milk. By 6.45am she had finish her milk and that will be the time her dad wakes up from his sleep (due to her slapping me on the face and back). After my shower, I'm ready for work and she waves me goodbye on my way out (how sweet rite).

When I'm back home she greeted me with her most beautiful smile also very valuable (you all know how she save on those smiles) and a slight laughter (at least i think it's her laughter and not that she's asking for milk again). Oh ya, the insect bites came back again on her right ankle (really going to get those insect that's been biting her juicy flesh). My dad got a electric bike for my nephew and both of them really enjoy snatching it away from each other, and when they won they will just leave their price bike behind.

At the hospital, she gave us a big surprise (she shitted on her diaper!!) very smelly for a small piece of shit (you guys will never be able to imagine how 1 small girl is able to produce such powerful smell) maybe the US might consider buying it as a bio weapon. Gave her milk and after that went to the toilet to wash her and change her. Woh not a bad day bonding with my precious.

The price of milk power for your precious - $33.80
The price of diaper for your precious - $0.23
The price of the smell of your precious by product - Priceless!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Starting of a new blog

This is not my first time blogging, actually had a blog in friendster quite long ago. Usually will do some reflection posting every half a month (if you had notice). Wanted to pick it up again, and talk about the things i've learnt thru my QT or from sermon. Hope i could have the time to post it every week. Maybe i should name this blog "Vweekly"

This blog actually took me a few months to set up as i'm always busy with other stuff (my precious baby girl Leah is one of the many reason that's taken up my time). But hey i enjoy spending time with her ok.

Recently i've return to finish a book that I had read half way thru many many months before (Cat and Dog Theology), this title might not be new to some of you and i guess alot more have even finish it.

On this particular chapter (pg 106 & 107) it stated that some of the Israelites Leader challenges Moses' leadership when he is guiding them to the promised land. God punishes these leader who disobey him by opening the earth and killes them all (their wives and children too). The wives and kids didn't do anything wrong but why were they punished as well? This is an important lesson for me as a husband and a father, when I as a head of the house disobey God and guide my family in a way that is disobedience to God. My wife and kid will have to pay a price too and it's all because of me.

Scary right my brother in christ, we have a very important role to play in our family. Therefore for all the wives out there remember to pray for your husband!

"God I pray that we as husbands, brothers and leaders will have the wisdom and strength to guide our family in a way that will bring glory to thee name. Mould us and guide us in our everyday life so that we we will not dift away from your path. Let us focus and hear your still same voice everday."